Saturday, April 5, 2008


Create your own Scratch Ticket


bella luvs candy said...

hey everybody and welcomre 2 my blog. i am writing frome cali and i just wanted 2 say 2 all my friends back homi i miss yall and i hope u like the present i got yall.

bella luvs candy said...

leave comments plaes!

bella luvs candy said...

omg! guess what my dad just got in a car acsident yesterday lie!hes ok thanfully!he got 5 stiches on his eye and his knee cap was shattered.=( i saw him today and he sais hi!so glad hes not hurt.i was sad at school but my friends were there 2 support me and cheer me up and im really thankfull 4 that!=).gtg bye

bella luvs candy said...

my b days cummin up and im so exited!!!!!we r doing lazer tag!and i got a 100% on my............drum roll plz..drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrddr....math test.its so wierd cuz math is my worst sub. but i am sooooo happy!

bella luvs candy said...

spring fling is almost here and i am SOOOOOOOOOO exited!we r gonna have so much fun! by we i mean me,mariah,jordan,and madison. its gonna rock! ill take pics 4 yall.bye

bella luvs candy said...

yay its finally summer sorry i havint posted in a while ive been out swimmmin and stuff like that but guess what i have good news i did good on my i-leap so i got my phone yay! and i just wanted 2 say hey 2 my friend madison and isabella hi!

Flash Toys, MySpace Layouts, Comment Graphics, and more!

a apple a day keeps the doctor away!

always open!yea right!lol



If i do good on my i-leap i get a ........

guess what............ if i do good on the i-leap test than i get a...............blackjak cell phone! look down 2 see what it looks like.

my almost phone

my almost phone

my music

to jordan,mariah,and madison

yall r MEAN! i am sooooooo glad i dont hang out with yall enymore! so have a nice life and jordan i hope u like your friends to talk behind your back b-cuz madison and mariah have been doin that 2 u ALOT!